Stem cell therapies are already available for blood cancer, eye diseases of the cornea and extensive skin burns. Many clinical and preclinical studies are currently exploring the opportunities and risks of curing or alleviating other stem cell diseases. Will there be more stem cell therapies in the future and what is needed to explore the chances of recovery?
NEW 2020: We have supplemented the topics therapy and ethics with new and current cases.

Materials and tasks for the lesson Therapy

In this module, the students develop the applications of stem cell research in medical therapies. Like conference participants, they are preparing a brief lecture series (Data Blitz Session) and an expert meeting (Meet the Expert). Topics are
- different diseases and their therapeutic approaches
- three unusual patient cases (case studies) with X-SCID, AIDS and butterfly disease.

The learning units can be used for digital schooling.

Download entire lesson material Download PDF

Stem cell therapies  Download PDF

Current status of stem cell therapies for various diseases, such as skin burns, liver failure, corneal clouding, leukemia, diabetes and Parkinson's disease. read more ...


Bubble Boy, Berlin Patient and Butterfly Child Download PDF

Two stem cell therapies have made history - genetic engineering has helped to cure XCRID-infected Jack Crick, HIV-infected leukemia patient Timothy Ray Brown and Patient Hassan with the butterfly disease (Epidermyolysis bullosa). read more ...

Task Sheet Download PDF

Task Data Blitz Session: Prepare a 3-minute talk on one of these topics: skin burns, liver failure, corneal opacity, diabetes, leukemia, Parkinson's. All short presentations will be held one after the other in the Data Blitz Session.
Task Meet the Expert: You are an expert and have brought a successful case study to the conference. Explain how you managed to help the patient Jack Crick (SCID-X1) or the patient Timothy Ray Brown (HIV) or the patient Hassan (Epidermyolysis bullosa).

The lesson series is structured like a scientific conference - the students assume the role of a scientist. They develop the research knowledge and present it in the different formats of a conference.

In a Blitz Session, the current state of research will be presented in short lectures. At conferences, there are guidelines for how long these flash lectures may be.

Meet the Expert means that conference participants can consult recognized experts directly on their research.

Teacher's comment Download PDF

More teaching units

Introduction and overview to stem cell research


Information and approaches for independent opinions on ethical aspects


Informations on (epi-)genetical changes in the genome