The provider of this website is the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) e.V.
The GSCN is registered as a non-profit association under the number: VR 32698 B in the register of associations of the district court Charlottenburg.
The VAT number of the GSCN is DE293796152
German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) e.V.
Dr. Daniel Besser
c/o Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Luisenstraße 65
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 / (0) 30/450 543 -638 / -627
Fax: +49 / (0) 30/450 5437 699
E-Mail: office[at]
Managing Director
Dr. Daniel Besser, German Stem Cell Network, Berlin
Acting President
Prof. Dr. Claudia Waskow, Leibniz Institute for Aging,/FLI, Jena
Designated President GSCN 2025
Prof. Dr. Heiko Lickert, Helmholtz Center Munich
This website contains information from the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN). About the lesson series "Understanding Stem Cells - The Conference for the School": With this four-part lesson series, the German Stem Cell Network and the Ernst Schering Foundation provide teachers with fact-tested knowledge about stem cells. The freely usable material allows students from grade 10 onwards to actively immerse themselves in current research. The German Stem Cell Network secures the technical quality of the material with its scientific experts. The Ernst Schering Foundation uses its experience in science education to introduce young adults to current research topics with new methods and to encourage their interest in science. Our goal is to provide timely and accurate information. If we are notified of errors, we will try to correct them promptly.
However, the GSCN assumes no responsibility or liability for the information on this website. In particular, they are:
- Information of a general nature, not adapted to the specific needs of particular persons or entities;
- not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or current;
- no professional or medical advice.
Individual webpages are linked to external websites that GSCN can not influence and whose content the GSCN does not adopt. Direct and indirect links to other providers are checked during setup. Web content is subject to constant change. The GSCN has no knowledge of unlawful or offensive content on the linked pages of third party providers. Should there be unlawful or offensive content, the GSCN dissociates itself and expressly disclaims any responsibility.
The information processed on this website as well as the layout of the webpages, the graphics and films used are protected by copyright. The content of the website is freely available under the BY-SA conditions of the Creative Commons License.
© German Stem Cell Network e.V. All rights reserved.

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